실행중인 SetInterval 간격 변경
setInterval을 사용하여 특정 반복 횟수마다 10 분마다 문자열을 조작하는 자바 스크립트 함수를 작성했습니다.
function timer() {
var section = document.getElementById('txt').value;
var len = section.length;
var rands = new Array();
for (i=0; i<len; i++) {
var counter = 0
var interval = setInterval(function() {
var letters = section.split('');
for (j=0; j < len; j++) {
if (counter < rands[j]) {
letters[j] = Math.floor(Math.random()*9);
document.getElementById('txt').value = letters.join('');
if (counter > rands.max()) {
}, 100);
간격을 특정 숫자로 설정하는 대신 카운터를 기반으로 간격이 실행될 때마다 업데이트하고 싶습니다. 따라서 대신 :
var interval = setInterval(function() { ... }, 100);
다음과 같습니다.
var interval = setInterval(function() { ... }, 10*counter);
불행히도, 그것은 효과가 없었다. "10 * counter"는 0과 같습니다.
그렇다면 익명 함수가 실행될 때마다 간격을 어떻게 조정할 수 있습니까?
대신 사용하십시오 . 그러면 콜백은 다음 시간 초과를 발생시키는 원인이되며,이 시점에서 타이밍을 늘리거나 조작 할 수 있습니다.
다음은 모든 함수 호출에 "감속"타임 아웃을 적용하는 데 사용할 수있는 일반 함수입니다.
function setDeceleratingTimeout(callback, factor, times)
var internalCallback = function(tick, counter) {
return function() {
if (--tick >= 0) {
window.setTimeout(internalCallback, ++counter * factor);
}(times, 0);
window.setTimeout(internalCallback, factor);
// console.log() requires firebug
setDeceleratingTimeout(function(){ console.log('hi'); }, 10, 10);
setDeceleratingTimeout(function(){ console.log('bye'); }, 100, 10);
익명 함수를 사용할 수 있습니다.
var counter = 10;
var myFunction = function(){
counter *= 10;
interval = setInterval(myFunction, counter);
var interval = setInterval(myFunction, counter);
업데이트 : A. Wolff가 제안한대로를 사용 setTimeout
하지 마십시오 clearInterval
var counter = 10;
var myFunction = function() {
counter *= 10;
setTimeout(myFunction, counter);
setTimeout(myFunction, counter);
나는이 질문을 좋아한다. 내 작은 타이머 객체에 영감을 주었다.
window.setVariableInterval = function(callbackFunc, timing) {
var variableInterval = {
interval: timing,
callback: callbackFunc,
stopped: false,
runLoop: function() {
if (variableInterval.stopped) return;
var result = variableInterval.callback.call(variableInterval);
if (typeof result == 'number')
if (result === 0) return;
variableInterval.interval = result;
stop: function() {
this.stopped = true;
start: function() {
this.stopped = false;
return this.loop();
loop: function() {
this.timeout = window.setTimeout(this.runLoop, this.interval);
return this;
return variableInterval.start();
사용 예
var vi = setVariableInterval(function() {
// this is the variableInterval - so we can change/get the interval here:
var interval = this.interval;
// print it for the hell of it
// we can stop ourselves.
if (interval>4000) this.stop();
// we could return a new interval after doing something
return interval + 100;
}, 100);
// we can change the interval down here too
setTimeout(function() {
vi.interval = 3500;
}, 1000);
// or tell it to start back up in a minute
setTimeout(function() {
vi.interval = 100;
}, 60000);
나는 원래 포스터와 같은 질문을했고, 이것을 해결책으로했습니다. 이것이 얼마나 효율적인지 잘 모르겠습니다 ....
interval = 5000; // initial condition
var run = setInterval(request , interval); // start setInterval as "run"
function request() {
console.log(interval); // firebug or chrome log
clearInterval(run); // stop the setInterval()
// dynamically change the run interval
if(interval>200 ){
interval = interval*.8;
interval = interval*1.2;
run = setInterval(request, interval); // start the setInterval()
이것은 이것을하는 나의 방법입니다. 나는 setTimeout을 사용합니다 :
var timer = {
running: false,
iv: 5000,
timeout: false,
cb : function(){},
start : function(cb,iv){
var elm = this;
this.running = true;
if(cb) this.cb = cb;
if(iv) this.iv = iv;
this.timeout = setTimeout(function(){elm.execute(elm)}, this.iv);
execute : function(e){
if(!e.running) return false;
stop : function(){
this.running = false;
set_interval : function(iv){
this.start(false, iv);
}, 2000);
훨씬 간단한 방법은 if
새로 고친 함수에 명령문을 사용하고 규칙적인 시간 간격으로 명령을 실행하는 컨트롤을 사용하는 것입니다. 다음 예에서는 2 초마다 경고를 실행하며 간격 ( intrv
)을 동적으로 변경할 수 있습니다.
var i=1;
var intrv=2; // << control this variable
var refreshId = setInterval(function() {
if(!(i%intrv)) {
}, 1000);
Simple answer is you can't update an interval of already created timer. (There is only two functions setInterval/setTimer
and clearInterval/clearTimer
, so having a timerId
you can only deactivate it.) But you can made some workarounds. Take a look at this github repo.
This can be initiated however you want. timeout is the method i used to keep it on the top of the hour.
I had the need for every hour to begin a code block on the hour. So this would start at server startup and run the interval hourly. Basicaly the initial run is to begin the interval within the same minute. So in a second from init, run immediately then on every 5 seconds.
var interval = 1000;
var timing =function(){
var timer = setInterval(function(){
if(interval == 1000){ /*interval you dont want anymore or increment/decrement */
interval = 3600000; /* Increment you do want for timer */
Alternately if you wanted to just have something happen at start and then forever at a specific interval you could just call it at the same time as the setInterval. For example:
var this = function(){
Here we have this run the first time and then every hour.
I couldn't synchronize and change the speed my setIntervals too and I was about to post a question. But I think I've found a way. It should certainly be improved because I'm a beginner. So, I'd gladly read your comments/remarks about this.
<body onload="foo()">
<div id="count1">0</div>
<div id="count2">2nd counter is stopped</div>
<button onclick="speed0()">pause</button>
<button onclick="speedx(1)">normal speed</button>
<button onclick="speedx(2)">speed x2</button>
<button onclick="speedx(4)">speed x4</button>
<button onclick="startTimer2()">Start second timer</button>
var count1 = 0,
count2 = 0,
greenlight = new Boolean(0), //blocks 2nd counter
speed = 1000, //1second
function foo(){
countingSpeed = setInterval(function(){
function counter1(){
function counter2(){
if (greenlight != false) {
function startTimer2(){
//while the button hasn't been clicked, greenlight boolean is false
//thus, the 2nd timer is blocked
greenlight = true;
//counter2() is greenlighted
//these functions modify the speed of the counters
function speed0(){
function speedx(a){
If you want the counters to begin to increase once the page is loaded, put counter1()
and counter2()
in foo()
before countingSpeed
is called. Otherwise, it takes speed
milliseconds before execution. EDIT : Shorter answer.
I'm a beginner in javascript, and didn't found any help in the previous answers (but many good ideas).
This piece of code below accelerates (acceleration > 1) or decelerates (acceleration <1). I hope it might help some people:
function accelerate(yourfunction, timer, refresh, acceleration) {
var new_timer = timer / acceleration;
var refresh_init = refresh;//save this user defined value
if (refresh < new_timer ){//avoid reseting the interval before it has produced anything.
refresh = new_timer + 1 ;
var lastInter = setInterval(yourfunction, new_timer);
console.log("timer:", new_timer);
function stopLastInter() {
accelerate(yourfunction, new_timer, refresh_init, acceleration);
console.log("refresh:", refresh);
setTimeout(stopLastInter, refresh);
With :
: the setInterval initial value in ms (increasing or decreasing)refresh
: the time before a new value oftimer
is calculated. This is the step lenghtfactor
: the gap between the old and the nexttimer
value. This is the step height
(function variableInterval() {
//whatever needs to be done
interval *= 2; //deal with your interval
setTimeout(variableInterval, interval);
//whatever needs to be done
can't get any shorter
Make new function:
// set Time interval
Multitimeout: function () {
var res = this.selector.split(",");
$.each(res, function (index, val) { setTimeout(function () {
//...Call function
}, val); });
return true;
function temp()
Here is yet another way to create a decelerating/accelerating interval timer. The interval gets multiplied by a factor until a total time is exceeded.
function setChangingInterval(callback, startInterval, factor, totalTime) {
let remainingTime = totalTime;
let interval = startInterval;
const internalTimer = () => {
remainingTime -= interval ;
interval *= factor;
if (remainingTime >= 0) {
setTimeout(internalTimer, interval);
var counter = 15;
var interval = setTimeout(function(){
// your interval code here
window.counter = dynamicValue;
}, counter);
참고URL : https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1280263/changing-the-interval-of-setinterval-while-its-running
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