
오류 ITMS-90035-Xcode

lottogame 2020. 9. 25. 08:09

오류 ITMS-90035-Xcode

iPhone에서 완벽하게 실행되는 phonegap 응용 프로그램을 개발했습니다. 이제 앱 스토어에 앱을 제출하고 싶습니다. 다음은 내 앱을 제출하기 위해 따르는 절차입니다.

  1. Xcode를 열고 프로젝트 보관
  2. 확인을 클릭하십시오 (성공)
  3. Appstore에 제출을 클릭합니다 (다음 오류가 발생하는 위치입니다).

여기에 이미지 설명 입력

어제 밤까지이 오류가 발생하지 않았고 오늘 아침에 프로젝트를 보관하고이 오류가 발생합니다. 문제가 무엇인지 확실하지 않습니다.

이것은 내가 앱을 제출하는 것을 막는 마지막 단계이며 매우 실망 스럽습니다 .stackoverflow 포럼에서 동일한 오류 코드를 검색하려고 시도했지만 내 것과 정확히 동일한 오류 코드를 하나의 게시물을 찾을 수 없었습니다. 매우 이상합니다.

도와주세요 :)

I had the same problem, turns out that one of my libraries installed via bower includes a .sh file, which is not needed. I have just deleted the file and everything has been uploaded successfully.

Seems like that Apple now enforces developers to have .sh files in their apps signed. As Cordova/Phonegap app don't need any of them, you can safely delete them.

This happened to me after updating to the latest Xcode (6.3.1). It's not just .sh files, as I was getting these errors about node scripts. It appears that ANY file that starts with #!/usr/bin/env will cause these errors. I was able to cause arbitrary errors by adding a #! to a random file.

Temporarily deleting the #!/usr/bin/env directive from the top of the files will work but you'll want a better long-term solution :)

You'll have to fix it by dealing with each script file case-by-case for what makes sense in your project.

As noted above this could be a temporary problem on Apple's side, not necessarily related to Xcode version.

EDIT: I managed to avoid this error by removing my projects .sh files from my target.

So far I'd say that's a bug on Apple's side.

I submitted an app yesterday without any issue, rejected it today to submit a slightly altered binary today, but like you I'm now encountering the same error. I thought it was related to Xcode6.3.1 because I installed it this morning so I installed Xcode 6.3.0 again but the error remained. Then I checking everything thoroughly:

  • Certificates
  • Provisioning Profiles
  • iTunes connect application status

But no success so far.

The fact a "itms-90035" Google search returns only 1 result makes me think that may be some temporary incident.

As others have said, the problem appears to be due to including files named "" in the app bundle. Here are the steps I took to get past this error: Went to the project settings in Xcode and selected the "Target" app icon. Selected the Build Phases tab. Clicked on "Copy Bundle Resources" Looked for a file being copied named "". I removed that file and then the upload went fine.

It has something to do with included .sh files, not that obvious indeed.

In our case, it was the AudioKit library. README says:

In most cases, when building for iOS or tvOS, regardless of how you install the framework, you will need to add a run phase to your project's target with the following script:


Sometimes you don't see them directly in your target's build phases. Some of the 3rd party libraries can cause this error because they are dealing with .sh files as well.

Check your 3rd party libraries/pods README's files for more info.

I have the same issue. Then I delete the .sh file. And I submit my app again. Successful!

This issue has been resolved in CrittercismSDK CocoaPods 5.2.0 :

You may either upgrade to sdk 5.2.0 or delete the file and remove the following lines from the file:

    if [[ "$CONFIGURATION" == "Debug" ]]; then 
install_resource "CrittercismSDK/CrittercismSDK/" 
if [[ "$CONFIGURATION" == "Release" ]]; then 
install_resource "CrittercismSDK/CrittercismSDK/" 


We had a very similar problem today and solved it.

ERROR ITMS-90035: "Invalid Signature. A sealed resource is missing or invalid. The binary at path [] contains an invalid signature. [...]"

We are using Jenkins-CI for the build process together with the xcode-plugin. When I reviewed the jenkins build log I found this error message:

file added: /Users/Shared/Jenkins/Home/workspace/RELEASE_STAGE_my-nifty-app/build/
file modified: /Users/Shared/Jenkins/Home/workspace/RELEASE_STAGE_my-nifty-app/build/
Codesign check fails : /Users/Shared/Jenkins/Home/workspace/RELEASE_STAGE_my-nifty-app/build/ a sealed resource is missing or invalid

After searching for that I found this post: The User had a similar problem, could solve it by deactivating the following plugin option "XCode -> General Build Settings -> Generate Archive? " (it was true before, now it's false).

At least this solved the problem on our side - maybe it will guide you to the correct direction.

I resolved this by simply removing the "binary" file(s) in the error.

For you its www/js/

For me it was two redundant bower-files, a .sh-file and a .js-file that was located under a "bin"-folder (maybe thats why it thought it was a binary?).

On a side-note, it seems that you could still continue the upload process by just clicking Send after being presented with the errors in Application Loader.

I received this same error when I tried to upload my app using ApplicationLoader 3.0. Upgrading to ApplicationLoader 3.1 (i.e. the latest), fixed the issue for me.

In the platforms directory run:

grep -r '#!/usr/' *

This will show you all the files that can be executed. Typically this would include .sh and node files.

From the results find the files that are in your project folder (e.g. my project folder was platforms/ios/www/*) and delete them leave the rest.

I had same issue using both xcode 6.3.1 and 6.4 beta. Mine said it was my main.o file. I looked in the copy bundle resources and for some reason my project's main file was there. I removed it and archived it again to send up to itunes connect for testflight and it uploaded fine. Took me 3 hrs to figure out it was that stupid file. Home this helps. Seems you need to really pay attention to what your sending up in that "Copy Bundle Resources" in build phases. Whatever file its telling you is a problem remove taht from this area and give it a try.

In my case, I got the error when submitting a re-signed ipa file. Turns out I had looked at the application package in Finder, and it had created a .DS_Store file (this was after re-signing with codesign, which would have complained if the file were present at the time of signing).

.DS_Store 파일을 제거한 후 업로드가 성공했습니다.

나는 똑같은 문제가 있었다. Decision : 특수 문자 또는 영어 이외의 문자로 시작하는 파일을 찾아 버그를 작성했습니다. 나는 발견하고 삭제했으며 모든 것이 작동했습니다!

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