
Xcode: Is it possible to 'Open Quickly' the right pane of the Assistant Editor?

lottogame 2020. 10. 28. 07:36

Xcode: Is it possible to 'Open Quickly' the right pane of the Assistant Editor?

Is it possible to 'Open Quickly' in the right pane of the Assistant Editor? This would increase productivity by like 20x

Yes it's possible.

Use ⌘ command+⇧ shift+O to open the "Open Quicky" input box, and then:

  • Use ⌥ option+Enter to open the file in the right editor .
  • Use ⌥ option+Shift+Enter to select where you want to open the file using the arrow keys.

Note that starting with Xcode 11, you can now split the editor as much as you want. This means ⌥ option+Enter by default will behave differently and open the file in the editor next to where your cursor currently is.

This behavior is configurable in Xcode's Preferences, under Navigation:

Xcode Navigation Preferences

Make sure that Uses Focused Editor is selected in Preferences > Navigation:


This way, you can open it by focusing the Assistant Editor, pressing ⌘ command+⇧ shift+O to open the Open Quicky input box, and just press Enter to open the selected file, instead of ⌥ alt+Enter.

An even easier way is to hold down the Option key and then click on the file. That will bring open the chosen file in the Assistant Editor. This works great when you TDD your Swift :) You can have your tests on the left and option click on the implementation to open on the right.

Cool thing!

Just to extend the answer you can switch between more then two Tabs or open it new editor tab cool isn't it?

• Open multiple assistant editor .

⌘ command+⇧ shift+O.

• Hold ⌥ option and press Enter on the selected item.(Used to open any file in Assistant Editor)

• You can also use ⌥ option+⇧ shift+Enter to toggle more and open new tab if you're not on stacked editor.

• The multiple selection window will appear

enter image description here

Note: Make sure you have all editor stacked selected

enter image description here

EDIT: misread your question above answer is good, just make sure you click into that pane before trying those commands

Sounds like your looking for some hotkeys, check here for a full list


but to open assistant editor use ⌘ command + ⌥ option + ↵ return

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