약속이 해결되기 전에 지시문이 렌더링됩니다.
약속이 해결 된 후에 만 콘텐츠를 렌더링하라는 지시를받는 데 문제가 있습니다. 이렇게 then()
해야한다고 생각 했는데 안되는 것 같네요 ..
내 컨트롤러는 다음과 같습니다.
// Generated by CoffeeScript 1.6.3
(function() {
var sprangularControllers;
sprangularControllers = angular.module('sprangularControllers', ['sprangularServices', 'ngRoute']);
sprangularControllers.controller('productsController', [
'$scope', '$route', '$routeParams', 'Product', 'Taxonomy', function($scope, $route, $routeParams, Product, Taxonomy) {
Taxonomy.taxonomies_with_meta().$promise.then(function(response) {
return $scope.taxonomies = response.taxonomies;
return Product.find($routeParams.id).$promise.then(function(response) {
return $scope.currentProduct = response;
내 지시 :
// Generated by CoffeeScript 1.6.3
(function() {
var sprangularDirectives;
sprangularDirectives = angular.module('sprangularDirectives', []);
sprangularDirectives.directive('productDirective', function() {
return {
scope: {
product: '='
templateUrl: 'partials/product/_product.html',
link: function(scope, el, attrs) {
return el.text(scope.product.name);
범위는 괜찮아지고, 개발 도구에서 확인할 때 scope.product
정의되지 않은 것은 아니지만 확인 할 때 약속이 해결 되었기 때문이라고 생각합니다.
그러나 undefined를 반환합니다 ..
값이 비동기 적으로 채워 지므로 바인딩 된 요소를 업데이트하는 감시 함수를 추가해야합니다.
link: function(scope, el, attrs) {
scope.$watch('product', function(newVal) {
if(newVal) { el.text(scope.product.name);}
}, true);
또한 많은 복잡성을 지시어 컨트롤러로 옮기고 링크 기능을 사용하여 DOM 만 조작 할 수 있습니다.
The true
third parameter to $watch
causes a deep watch, since you're binding this directive to a model.
Here are a couple of links with good examples:
As stated in an official thread about this issue (quickly closed as "won't fix because it would make directives wait"), a workaround is to wrap your directive in a ng-if
<div ng-if="myPromiseParam">
<my-directive param="myPromiseParam">
I know this is an older question, but thought I would try my hand at providing an updated answer.
When using a router, both ui-router and ngRouter have resolve methods that will resolve promises on url changes before switching to that route and rendering things on the page.
ngRouter Resolve tutorial
ui-router Resolve docs
Another option, instead of using $watch
is to use angulars $q
promise library. More specifically, the $q.when()
method. This takes promises and values. IF it's a promise it will fire a .then()
when the promise resolves. If its a value, it wraps it in a promise and immediately resolves it.
link: function(scope, el, attrs){
scope.product = product;
Or there a couple way you can not show anything just with html.
<product-directive product='object'>
<!-- Will hide span until product.name exists -->
<span ng-show='product.name'>{{ product.name }}</span>
<!-- Will show default text until key exists -->
{{ product.name || 'Nothing to see here' }}
<!-- Will show nothing until key exists -->
<span ng-bind='product.name'></span>
use $watch on your variable in your directive to get the updated value of your variable.
you can also make use of $q to resolve the promise.
참고URL : https://stackoverflow.com/questions/21177582/directive-is-being-rendered-before-promise-is-resolved
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