
정적 클래스 대신 싱글 톤 패턴을 언제 사용해야합니까?

lottogame 2020. 9. 16. 08:23

정적 클래스 대신 싱글 톤 패턴을 언제 사용해야합니까? [닫은]

싱글 톤 사용 과 정적 클래스 사용 사이를 결정할 때 설계 고려 사항의 이름을 지정합니다 . 이렇게 할 때, 당신은 두 가지를 대조해야하므로 어떤 대조가 당신의 사고 과정을 보여주는 데에도 유용합니다! 또한 모든 면접관은 예시를보고 싶어합니다. :)

  • 싱글 톤은 인터페이스를 구현하고 다른 클래스에서 상속 할 수 있습니다.
  • 싱글 톤은 지연로드 될 수 있습니다. 실제로 필요할 때만. 초기화에 비용이 많이 드는 리소스로드 또는 데이터베이스 연결이 포함되는 경우 매우 편리합니다.
  • 싱글 톤은 실제 객체를 제공합니다.
  • 싱글 톤은 공장으로 확장 될 수 있습니다. 이면의 객체 관리는 추상적이므로 유지 관리가 더 쉽고 코드가 더 좋습니다.

"둘 다 피하십시오"는 어떻습니까? 싱글 톤 및 정적 클래스 :

  • 글로벌 상태 도입 가능
  • 다른 여러 클래스와 긴밀하게 연결
  • 종속성 숨기기
  • 격리 된 단위 테스트 클래스를 어렵게 만들 수 있습니다.

대신 종속성 주입제어 컨테이너 라이브러리의 반전을 살펴보십시오 . 여러 IoC 라이브러리가 수명 관리를 대신 처리합니다.

(항상 그렇듯이 정적 수학 클래스 및 C # 확장 메서드와 같은 예외가 있습니다.)

유일한 차이점은 구문입니다 : MySingleton.Current.Whatever () vs MySingleton.Whatever (). 데이비드가 언급했듯이 국가는 두 경우 모두 궁극적으로 "정적"입니다.

편집 : 매장 여단이 digg에서 왔습니다 ... 어쨌든 싱글 톤이 필요한 사건을 생각했습니다. 정적 클래스는 기본 클래스에서 상속하거나 인터페이스를 구현할 수 없습니다 (적어도 .Net에서는 할 수 없음). 따라서이 기능이 필요한 경우 싱글 톤을 사용해야합니다.

이 문제에 대해 제가 가장 좋아하는 토론 중 하나는 여기입니다 (원래 사이트 다운, 이제 Internet Archive Wayback Machine에 연결됨 ).

Singleton의 유연성 이점을 요약하면 다음과 같습니다.

  • Singleton은 쉽게 공장으로 변환 될 수 있습니다.
  • Singleton은 다른 하위 클래스를 반환하도록 쉽게 수정할 수 있습니다.
  • 이것은 더 유지 보수가 가능한 응용 프로그램을 만들 수 있습니다.

정적 변수가 많은 정적 클래스는 약간의 해킹입니다.

 * Grotty static semaphore
 public static class Ugly {

   private static int count;

   public synchronized static void increment(){

   public synchronized static void decrement(){
        if( count<0 ) {

   public synchronized static boolean isClear(){
         return count==0;    


실제 인스턴스가있는 싱글 톤이 더 좋습니다.

 * Grotty static semaphore
 public static class LessUgly {
   private static LessUgly instance;

   private int count;

   private LessUgly(){

   public static synchronized getInstance(){
     if( instance==null){
        instance = new LessUgly();
     return instance;
   public synchronized void increment(){

   public synchronized void decrement(){
        if( count<0 ) {

   public synchronized boolean isClear(){
         return count==0;    


상태는 인스턴스에만 있습니다.

So the singleton can be modified later to do pooling, thread-local instances etc. And none of the already written code needs to change to get the benefit.

public static class LessUgly {
       private static Hashtable<String,LessUgly> session;
       private static FIFO<LessUgly> freePool = new FIFO<LessUgly>();
       private static final POOL_SIZE=5;
       private int count;

       private LessUgly(){

       public static synchronized getInstance(){
         if( session==null){
            session = new Hashtable<String,LessUgly>(POOL_SIZE);
            for( int i=0; i < POOL_SIZE; i++){
               LessUgly instance = new LessUgly();  
               freePool.add( instance)
         LessUgly instance = session.get( Session.getSessionID());
         if( instance == null){
            instance =;
         if( instance==null){
             // TODO search sessions for expired ones. Return spares to the freePool. 
             //FIXME took too long to write example in blog editor.
         return instance;

It's possible to do something similar with a static class but there will be per-call overhead in the indirect dispatch.

You can get the instance and pass it to a function as an argument. This lets code be directed to the "right" singleton. We know you'll only need one of it... until you don't.

The big benefit is that stateful singletons can be made thread safe, whereas a static class cannot, unless you modify it to be a secret singleton.

Think of a singleton like a service. It's an object which provides a specific set of functionality. E.g.


The object factory is an object which performs a specific service.

By contrast, a class full of static methods is a collection of actions that you might want to perform, organised in a related group (The class). E.g.

StringUtils.concat("Hello", "World");

The StringUtils example here is a collection of functionality that can be applied anywhere. The singleton factory object is a specific type of object with a clear responsibility that can be created and passed around where required.

Static classes are instantiated at runtime. This could be time consuming. Singletons can be instantiated only when needed.

Singletons should not be used in the same way as static classes. In essense,


is essentially the same as


What you should actually be doing is treating the singleton as just another object. If a service requires an instance of the singleton type, then pass that instance in the constructor:

var svc = new MyComplexServce(MyStaticClass.GetInstance());

The service should not be aware that the object is a singleton, and should treat the object as just an object.

The object can certainly be implemented, as an implementation detail and as an aspect of overall configuration, as a singleton if that makes things easier. But the things that use the object should not have to know whether the object is a singleton or not.

If by "static class" you mean a class that has only static variables, then they actually can maintain state. My understanding is the that the only difference would be how you access this thing. For example:




The internals of MySingleton will obviously be different between them but, thread-safety issues aside, they will both perform the same with regards to the client code.

Singleton pattern is generally used to service instance independent or static data where multiple threads can access data at same time. One example can be state codes.

Singletons should never be used (unless you consider a class with no mutable state a singleton). "static classes" should have no mutable state, other than perhaps thread-safe caches and the like.

Pretty much any example of a singleton shows how not to do it.

If a singleton is something you can dispose of, to clean up after it, you can consider it when it's a limited resource (ie. only 1 of it) that you don't need all the time, and have some kind of memory or resource cost when it is allocated.

The cleanup code looks more natural when you have a singleton, as opposed to a static class containing static state fields.

The code, however, will look kind of the same either way so if you have more specific reasons for asking, perhaps you should elaborate.

The two can be quite similar, but remember that the true Singleton must itself be instantiated (granted, once) and then served. A PHP database class that returns an instance of mysqli is not really a Singleton (as some people call it), because it is returning an instance of another class, not an instance of the class that has the instance as a static member.

So, if you're writing a new class that you plan to allow only one instance of in your code, you might as well write it as a Singleton. Think of it as writing a plain-jane class and adding to it to facilitate the single-instantiation requirement. If you're using someone else's class that you can't modify (like mysqli), you should be using a static class (even if you fail to prefix its definition with the keyword).

Singletons are more flexible, which can be useful in cases where you want the Instance method to return different concrete subclasses of the Singleton's type based on some context.

Static classes can't be passed around as arguments; instances of a singleton can be. As mentioned in other answers, watch for threading issues with static classes.


A singleton may have a constructor and destructor. Depending on your language, the constructor may be called automatically the first time your singleton is used, or never if your singleton is not used at all. A static class would have no such automatic initialization.

Once a reference to a singleton object is obtained, it can be used just like any other object. The client code may not even need to know its using a singleton if a reference to the singleton is stored earlier on:

Foo foo = Foo.getInstance();
doSomeWork(foo); // doSomeWork wont even know Foo is a singleton

This obviously makes things easier when you choose to ditch the Singleton pattern in favor of a real pattern, like IoC.

Use the singleton pattern when you need to compute something at runtime that you would compute at compile time if you could, like lookup tables.

I think a place where Singleton will make more sense than the static class is when you have to construct a pool of costly resources (like database connections). You would not be interested in creating the pool if noone ever uses them (static class will means that you do the costly work when class is loaded).

A singleton is also a good idea if you want to force efficient caching of data. for example, I have a class that looks up definitions in an xml document. Since parsing the document can take a while, I set up a cache of definitions (I use SoftReferences to avoid outOfmemeoryErrors). If the desired definition is not in the cache I do the expensive xml parsing. Otherwise I return a copy from the cache. Since having multiple caches would mean I still might have to load the same definition multiple times, I need to have a static cache. I choose to implement this class as a singleton so that I could write the class using only normal (non-static) data members. This allows me to still create an istantiation of the class should I need it for some reason (serialization, unit testing, etc.)

Singleton is like a service, as already mentioned. Pro is its flexibility. Static, well, you need some static parts in order to implement Singleton.

Singleton has code to take care of instantiation of th actual object, which can be a great help if you run into racing problems. In a static solution you may need to deal with racing problems at multiple code locations.

However, same as Singleton can be constructed with some static variables, you may be able to compare it with 'goto'. It can bevery useful for building other structures, but you really need to know how to use it and should not 'overuse' it. Therefore general recommendation is to stick to Singleton, and use static if you have to.

also check the other post: Why choose a static class over a singleton implementation?

refer this


a. One easy rule of thumb you can follow is if it doesn’t need to maintain state, you can use a Static class, otherwise you should use a Singleton.

b. use a Singleton is if it is a particularly “heavy” object. If your object is large and takes up a reasonable amount of memory, lot of n/w calls(connection pool) ..etc. To make sure that its not going to be instantiated multiple times. A Singleton class will help prevent such the case ever happening

When the single class needs state. Singletons maintain a global state, static classes do not.

For instance, making a helper around a registry class: If you have changable hive (HKey Current User vs. HKEY Local Machine) you could go:

RegistryEditor editor = RegistryEditor.GetInstance();
editor.Hive = LocalMachine

Now any further calls to that singleton will operate on the Local Machine hive. Otherwise, using a static class, you would have to specify that Local Machine hive everytiem, or have a method like ReadSubkeyFromLocalMachine.

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